The use of effective [practices] without implementation strategies is like serum without a syringe; the cure is available but the delivery system is not.
adapted from Fixen, Blase, Duda, Naoom & Van Dyke, 2010

There is a science for how implementation actually occurs. Watch this screencast for a brief introduction and consider what this means as you develop your own plans for implementing a future Connections Screener. 

Select for an audio described version of Implementation Science.

Earlier in this section we presented what we've learned from supporting schools in their implementation of the Connections Screener. One of the key learnings, which aligns with Implementation Science, is starting small--piloting with a small group of students and staff. It may be tempting to just screen everyone initially, but we have found (and Implementation Science supports this) that it is essential to try it first with a smaller group to work out the kinks (because there will be some!). Addressing the unexpected before scaling up will help you identify any hiccups that could impact your screener administration and help you plan the infrastructure to ensure success. 

When you have finished watching, you may return to the course homepage.


National Implementation Research Network 

Last modified: Friday, July 12, 2024, 7:27 PM