We here at MTSS  Rhode Island want your school and district to be successful with implementing a multi-tiered system of supports framework. To help you get started with MTSS, plan for ongoing implementation, and scale up efforts, we will be offering regularly scheduled, virtual "office hours."

Just like with traditional face-to-face office hours, we will be offering you the opportunity to get your MTSS questions answered. These can be very specific questions or broader in nature. If you have questions that you know you'd like to ask, feel free to submit your questions ahead of time so that we can best be prepared to help you. Submit questions to mtss.bridgeri@gmail.com.

What are Office Hours?

Office hours are...

  • a dedicated time and place to ask your MTSS questions (optional)
  • hosted virtually on BRIDGE-RI
  • an active online meeting in which hosts and attendees can share air time

Office hours are not...

  • a webinar with a set agenda
  • a passive opportunity in which to sit back and listen

Office Hours
Stay tuned for updates about Office Hours in the 2021-22 School Year.
Last modified: Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 2:25 PM