Blended learning allows MTSS Rhode Island to be more flexible and efficient in delivering professional learning. As professional learning providers, MTSS Rhode Island strives to provide high-quality professional learning to Rhode Island educators, whether via face-to-face training opportunities or online offerings. Aligned with Rhode Island Professional Learning Standards (RIPLS), our offerings build upon educators' practices and systems with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes. 


Our professional learning is relevant to educators, meeting them at their current level and identifying goals that are specific to them. Face-to-face professional learning is tailored to meet school and district needs, and online learning offers a variety of paths for learners depending on their individual needs. 


The end result of professional learning is to improve student outcomes. Period. Our professional learning centers around developing systems to support adults, improving evidence-based practices that support students, and using data to guide decisions. 


Professional learning should be strategic and systematic. Through MTSS Rhode Island, educators receive professional learning that fits within a larger plan. One focus of our professional learning is on building systems that support adults in changing their practices. 

Sustained Over Time

The professional learning provided through MTSS Rhode Island occurs through multiple touch-points. Blended learning allows us to provide online offerings to build knowledge, face-to-face training allows us to go deeper on MTSS topics, and coaching in between ensures that educators feel supported in changing their practices. 

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Benefits of Online Learning

Online learning allows learners the flexibility to choose when and where they access their learning. Courses through BRIDGE-RI are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are compatible with a variety of devices, including mobile and tablets. Online opportunities allow learners to go at their own pace, whether you prefer to go quickly or take your time. If learners need to revisit content, they can do so as needed. Online learning has the ability to offer differentiated content so that learners can pick the path that feels right to them, whether it's based on role, school level, or interest.

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Sign up for an account at BRIDGE-RI today! It's free and allows you instant access to online coursework designed to help educators improve their knowledge and practices associated with a MTSS framework.
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Last modified: Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 1:49 PM